Slide 1 | Introductory Slide
- Enter your paper number and title in the first field.
- Enter your author and company name and/or logo information in the second field.
- Note: This should be the only slide to contain your company name/logo.
Slide 2 | Information Slide
- Main content of your presentation in a One-Column Format.
- Enter Paper , Paper Title, and Presenter Name in the bottom field.
- Copy and insert this slide as many times as needed for your content.
Slide 3 | Information Slide
- Main content of your presentation in a Two-Column Format.
- Enter Paper , Paper Title, and Presenter Name in the bottom field.
- Copy and insert this slide as many times as needed for your content.
Slide 4 | Acknowledgement, Thank You, Questions in a One-Column Format
Slide 5 | Acknowledgement, Thank You, Questions in a Two-Column Format
- This slide should be displayed during your Q&A time.