- Title
- Authors
- Technical Discipline
- Keywords
- Copyright Type
- Revised Abstract
- Speaker Information
Submitting a Manuscript
Required Information and Documents
Required Documents
- 1 version of the final Manuscript (MS Word)
- Up to 5 Transfer of Copyright (TOC) forms
- 1 Paper Information Form (PIF)
All manuscripts must be submitted through the online system. An upload link is sent to the Presenting Author via an email notification from the Conference Program Lead.
Notification Email
Upon clicking on the link provided in the email notification, you will be taken to a Welcome Page where you have the ability to continue with the manuscript submission or withdraw your manuscript.
After selecting the Continue button, you will be taken through a series of steps requiring information related to the manuscript and the submission of the manuscript.
- Title – This field will prepopulate with the title of the submitted abstract. You are asked to edit the title to match the title on the final manuscript (as necessary).
- Authors - This field will prepopulate with the authors on the submitted abstract. You are asked to edit the author block to match the author block on the final manuscript (as necessary).
- Technical Disciplines – Select the OTC Technical Discipline associated with the submitted manuscript.
- Keywords - These fields will prepopulate with the keywords entered for the submitted abstract. You are asked to edit them to match the content of the final manuscript (as necessary).
- Manuscript – This should be the final copy of the manuscript, in the template provided by OTC.
- Copyright Type – This is where you will specify the type of copyright to be transferred.
- Transfer of Copyright (TOC) – This is where you upload up to 5 signed TOC forms.
- Paper Information Form (PIF) – This is where you will upload a completed PIF.
- Revised Abstract – This will prepopulate with the original abstract submitted for consideration. You are asked to edit this field to match the abstract included with the final manuscript.
- Speaker Information – This gives the presenting author the ability to provide OTC with pertinent information.
- Bibliography/References – This provides the presenting author with space to include a separate list of bibliographic information and references already contained within the manuscript.
All information to be entered into a text field can be copied and pasted.
Upon completion of all steps, a View Summary and Confirm button will appear at the bottom of the screen. You MUST click this button to complete the manuscript upload process.
After clicking on the View Summary and Confirm button, you will see a confirmation screen with some final information, the link to the author kit, and a summary of your action